Author Archives: Eme Lennick

Freefalling Tour

Hello my Friends, I’m recovering from the energy it took to launch Freefalling.  Now the rest… we’ve already passed my first goal. Only 2% of books sell more than 250 in the first year. We did that in two days. Let’s keep this going! I’m interested in creating a tour. I’m trained as an actress. Was an accomplished singer, and professional speaker. I won’t make a fool of you if you recommend me to your media outlets. For reference, you can […]

It’s on the way!

Hello My Friends, I’ve been busy working on details for the release of my novel. It’s a story of senior romance, Freefalling. One can’t enjoy affairs of love in later years without complications. That’s not to say that romance doesn’t present difficulties in our youth, but it’s different. Life accumulates challenges over time but that doesn’t mean their aren’t opportunities. In many ways, those loving moments are even sweeter because of the obstacles on the path. Freefalling has been fully […]