Freefalling Tour

Hello my Friends,

I’m recovering from the energy it took to launch Freefalling.  Now the rest… we’ve already passed my first goal. Only 2% of books sell more than 250 in the first year. We did that in two days. Let’s keep this going!
I’m interested in creating a tour. I’m trained as an actress. Was an accomplished singer, and professional speaker. I won’t make a fool of you if you recommend me to your media outlets. For reference, you can see a podcast on
I’d need expenses covered by my efforts. With Zoom and podcasts a lot can be done without showing up in person. I’d love to visit your area though! Conversations can include senior romance, dementia, living a full story amidst our limitations… endless directions to chat with this storyteller and light chaser who is catching a dream in her 70th year!
Let me know what doors you can open. Write to
Thank you for your encouragement!

2 thoughts on Freefalling Tour

  1. Thank you for writing Freefalling. I am also a “senior”, so the book meant so much to me. Hopefully all of us can embody Charlotte: a life well lived!

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